Greetings and welcome to the homepage of gljava! gljava is a java binding to the OpenGL API.
The binding is made possible thanks to the GLEW project. Currently version 1.1 of OpenGL is supported. Support for up to 2.0 is planned.
gljava is bundled with its sister project sdljava
Install or build sdljava. You should now be able to utilize the gljava api from the built shared libraries and jar files. They do not depend on sdljava in any way so you are free to use other api libraries if wish.
Please send any questions, comments or feedback to ivan_ganza 'at' users.sourceforge.net or please join the sdljava mailing list.
Design Goals
- Ideal for game development
gljava is specifically aimed at developing games in the java programming language. It is simple and easy to use with little overhead.
- Composable pipelines
gl java will support the "composable pipeline" paradigm introduced by the Magician Java binding for OpenGL. The DebugGL pipeline calls glGetError after each OpenGL call, reporting any errors found. It can greatly speed up development time because of its fine-grained error checking as opposed to the manual error checking usually required in OpenGL programs written in C. The TraceGL prints logging information upon each OpenGL call and is helpful when an application crash makes it difficult to see where the error occurred.
- Direct Buffers (NIO)
gljava will utilize Direct Buffers so that communications with the native layer are as fast as possible.
- Does not force you to use an AWT Window - if you want to use jogl you can only do so if your window pops up as part of the AWT/Swing framework. (However if you want to use an AWT window this should be supported.
- Fastest possible execution speed - gljava won't by default add much complexity over the binding itself. You will of course be able to choose the use of higher level API which provide more power at the loss of speed.
- Usable with any API which can create a window that is bound to an GL Context.